
首页 > 留学资讯 > 美国各州最低生活费揭秘,哪个州成本最高?


2019-03-13 分享到:



  美国德克萨斯州中南部的圣安东尼奥(San Antonio, Texas)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,001 per month ($12,012 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $984 per month ($11,813 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $6,024 per month ($72,291 per year)

  美国佛罗里达州的杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville, Florida

  住宿费(Housing costs): $947 per month ($11,364 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $948 per month ($11,381 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $6,203 per month ($74,437 per year)


  美国德克萨斯州的休斯敦(Houston, Texas)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,066 per month ($12,792 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,044 per month ($12,526 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living) $6,226 per month ($74,718 per year)

  美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯市(Dallas, Texas)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,077 per month ($12,924 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,044 per month ($12,529 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $6,291 per month ($75,488 per year)

  美国俄亥俄州的哥伦布市(Columbus, Ohio)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $910 per month ($10,920 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,240 per month ($14,876 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living) $6,423 per month ($77,075 per year)

  得克萨斯州首府奥斯汀(Austin, Texas)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,251 per month ($15,012 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,108 per month ($13,298 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $6,731 per month ($80,776 per year)

  美国印第安纳州最大城市:印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis, Indiana)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $852 per month ($10,224 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,572 per month ($18,870 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $6,857 per month ($82,285 per year)

  美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥(Chicago, Illinois)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,180 per month ($14,160 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,537 per month ($18,446 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $7,378 per month ($88,536 per year)

  美国亚利桑那州的菲尼克斯(Phoenix, Arizona)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,013 per month ($12,156 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,409 per month ($16,912 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $7,585 per month ($91,024 per year)

  美国宾西法尼亚州的费城(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,182 per month ($14,187 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,574 per month ($18,893 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $7,680 per month ($92,163 per year)

  加利福尼亚州西南部的洛杉矶(Los Angeles, California)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,663 per month ($19,956 per year)

  (儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,223 per month ($14,672 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $7,691 per month ($92,295 per year)

  加利福尼亚州的圣迭戈(San Diego, California)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,682 per month ($20,189 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,281 per month ($15,376 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $8,129 per month ($97,547 per year)

  美国纽约州的纽约市New York, New York

  住宿费(Housing costs): $1,789 per month ($21,468 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $2,773 per month ($33,279 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $10,344 per month ($124,129 per year)

  加州旧金山湾区南部的圣何塞(San Jose, California)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $2,522 per month ($30,264 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,559 per month ($18,705 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $10,758 per month ($129,092 per year)

  美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山(San Francisco, California)

  住宿费(Housing costs): $3,121 per month ($37,452 per year)

  儿童护理费用(Child care costs): $1,730 per month ($20,763 per year)

  生活费(Total cost of living): $12,370 per month ($148,440 per year)

